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No shutters for houses ...

Why there are no shutters in Ireland ??? Any houses have shutters... And that's amazing because the Irish weather is so bad ! There is maybe a business to set up in Ireland to sell shutters ...


  1. It's the same in my country :the Netherlands. No shutters just some curtains sometimes. Most of the time you can see people watch TV or eat something inside the house! It's not a problem for Dutch people.

  2. Not very bashful, aren't they?

  3. I think this might be inherited from Britain actually... I read somewhere that after the Great Fire of London in 1666 wooden shutters on houses were forbidden by law, as they had helped propagate the fire across the city which had very narrow streets at the time. And basically, shutters never made it back into British life after that, even when metal shutters became available. Since Ireland was part of the United Kingdom for centuries, the same law was probably applied here, with the same effect. On houses here sometimes, I have seen "fake" shutters put there to give a "French feel" to the house, but they are not functional, they are just stuck to the wall... So funny...
