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Guinness, Guinness and Guinness again...

It's not worth telling you that Guinness is an Irish beer... Everybody know that!!!!!!!!! I think it is the most representative Irish product.
And Irish are so proud of their Guinness... But I think they can be proud of it. The famous Arthur has created in 1725 one of the most successful beer brands worldwide...
We can't obviously talk about Guinness without having a look to the funny/crazy/famous ads which have built the brand identity. I am especially interesting in -I'm studying marketing - because of the quality of these ads. Colors, clear message, humour, easy to remember, unique selling proposal (Guinness is good and precious, isn't it ?)... Guinness marketers were really inspired and designed relevant ads. You can find some of them below. One of the last TV ad is also available below. Have a look...and Slainte (=cheers) !!!!

Is it really true ? If it is, why pubs and clubs close so early in Ireland ?? Do Irish drink to much Guinness??

              The New Guinness World Ad - Bring it to Life              

 Travel, dream, imagine...That is a great TV ad...



  1. merci de ton passage

    sûr que l'Irlande ce n'est pas le continent europééen, mais je l'aime!

    je n'hésiterai pas à passer, c'est sûr , j'ai noté ton blog :-)



  2. Do you know why there is a toucan on guinness ad???

  3. @Hugo, I don't know. I'm waiting for your "minute culturelle" !!

  4. Like my poster wich is posted in my bedroom in Lorient !!

  5. @Hugo: tell me if I'm wrong but I think I get the answer about "why a toucan?" : Guiness slogan = « Toucans in their nests agree. Guinness is good for you. Try some today and see what one or toucan do. »,
    you have to get the play on words "try some today and see what one or toucan(two can) do"
