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The Irish Accent ... Holy Mary Mother of God !!

Have you ever been in Ireland ??  If not, you have to know some useful stuffs about the Irish accent before going!!!
  • It's not "How are you?" but "Hw r ya?"... I spent two weeks before understanding what cashiers told me at the supermarket! (cashiers don't tell you "Hello" but "Hw r ya?")
  • Irish pronounce "th" such as a "t" and not such as "z" ... so "three"= tree or "brother"= broter !!!!!
  • At the beginning, you could think Irish speak Chinese... actually, it seems to be English after several weeks here....
  • A French guy who have been living in Ireland for 5 years, told me : when you could understand Irish, you could speak and understand English all over the world !!
  • Watch this video below and you'll understand better:


    1. I'm laughing my ass off......I visited Cork in November and thought "What the hell did she say?" hahahahahahahaha
      Love it.

    2. Your comment made me smile Nathalie!!
      Even some of my friends, who are native English speakers or fluent in English, cannot understand some Irish !! It's like a very strange English language ahaha!
